Coherence (/ˌkōˈhirəns/): the quality of forming a unified whole.

Eco Nico’s focus is on utilizing and applying fundamental laws of nature to do least, yet accomplish most. How is this possible and what are the mechanics of that ability? It’s very simple. We make use of the principle of coherence. We focus on maximizing coherence for all possibilities.

What is Coherence?

Coherence simply means orderliness, alignment, unity, clarity, and precision. The principle of Coherence can be seen in the difference between diffuse, scattered daylight (incoherent photons) and a laser light (coherent photons, moving all together in phase). Laser light beams are narrow, very bright, and can concentrate a lot of energy onto a very small point. Due to its coherence, a laser light is so powerful that it can cut through stone and metal, because of the compiled energy of all the light waves moving together in synchrony.

Coherence can be seen throughout nature, at different levels and layers of creation:

In our human brain, neuronal electrical activity can be either scattered and random, or coherent and in-phase (meaning various parts of the brain are functioning as an integrated whole).

In the entrainment that occurs when a parent’s and child’s heartbeats sync together, or when the heartbeats and brainwaves of all the members of an choir or orchestra line up while playing, which results in a powerful wholeness of sound.

In a rowing crew pulling together in the same direction, speeding through water in an exponentially greater way than if everyone was doing their own thing.

In a successful family or professional team, where each member plays their separate part yet all move together in the same wholeness

In a project where many moving parts are integrated and harmonized to effectively reach the final goal.

In architecture that is symmetrical, balanced, and fitting into its environment.  As Goethe said, “Architecture is frozen music.”

In superconductors, where a coherent system can repel an external magnetic field (an example of the Meissner effect).

The ultimate coherence results from being in tune with the infinite power of nature.

When we see the immense power and intelligence available in the natural world, it makes perfect sense to align ourselves with that flow of energy to effortlessly reap its benefits.
When we are maximally coherent and aligned on all levels with our deepest Self—the most fundamental aspect of everything we do—we can cut through the hardest obstacles with ease and grace to reach our goal. This inner stability also yields ultimate flexibility, giving us the ability to pivot elegantly and effortlessly as needed, because all our inner and outer resources are already aligned.

A coherent system = an invincible system

How is Coherence Useful in Daily life?

Personal Coherence means that your attention....

…resources, and energy are aligned, moving towards a single goal, and allowing life to unfold naturally and effectively in the needed direction. Recent research on world-class athletes, managers, and musicians shows that high performance in many fields has been correlated with high mind-brain development, particularly integrated, coherent brain functioning.

Brain coherence, especially prefrontal cortex coherence, can be developed through practice of Transcendental Meditation. There are also other advanced technologies of consciousness that accelerate this development of brain coherence, particularly when practiced in a group by highly trained experts, and allow its effect to be enjoyed by society as a whole.

Can Coherence be Measured?

YES: in the phenomenon of a laser

We see that when 1% of the photons start to move together in synchrony, a phase transition is created which brings all the other photons and light waves into a single beam of concentrated light, greatly increasing the amplitude of the wave and thus the energy focused on a point.

YES: In brainwaves

We can see how much of the electrical activity of the brain is moving together in phase, across the different lobes and areas responsible for executive function or auditory, visual, and motor responses. Coherence brings all the brain’s billions of neurons together in a single unified experience. Note, the experience of total brain coherence, Total Brain Functioning, as described by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is only available in the experience of complete inner silence, transcendental consciousness, which has been correlated by researchers with the “Default mode network” of the brain.

Yes: In the phenomenon of a superconductor

 A sytem which is superconducting, internally coherent, will repel an incoherent external magnetic field. In this we see that Coherence also equates with invincibility (MEISSNER EFFECT).

Can I increase my own coherence?


 This is one of the primary goals of everything we undertake at Eco Nico—Maximizing Coherence for All Possibilities. There are a variety of approaches that can be used to increase coherence in daily life, depending on the circumstances.

5 Coherence-Creating Tips for a Superfluid Day

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A coherent daily routine brings us into alignment with natural law.

Can I increase coherence in my family, nation and the world?

Yes! The ultimate level of coherence is found at the deepest level of nature’s functioning,

the Unified Field level, where all the diverse particles, forces, fields, atoms and molecules of daily life converge in a unified state. The human mind is also able to access a fully unified, transcendental state of pure consciousness. Transcendental consciousness has been identified by scientific researchers as a fourth major state of consciousness. .

Action performed from this level of unified internal coherence is very powerful. Seers and wise teachers throughout time have cognized the immense power and productivity available to humans at subtler levels of nature, and have shared with the world technologies to align human intelligence with the intelligence of nature—giving us the ability to come back to our source.

These technologies of consciousness, which we use daily at Eco Nico, bring us back to our deepest Self, and integrate us with our extended environment, family, nation, world, and even the universe! This is the ultimate level of coherence—life in Unity consciousness—where every specific experience is perceived in its total reality as simply a move within the wholeness of the self.

Yoga, in its essential nature, IS coherence, the unified state. The practice of effective yoga and meditation techniques helps us to develop more coherence in life, as do other practices like healthy eating, proper daily routines, aligned and proportioned architecture, playing or listening to music, and synchronized group activities.

Although each technology individually results in increased coherence, when many are used in an integrated manner the effect is exponentially more powerful. This warrants impactful investments into further research to ensure that each technology is being used to its maximum value.

Because of the high potency of a group, like a laser, a small number of highly trained experts in the technologies of consciousness can generate a huge amount of coherence for a country or city, from one localized area. This increased coherence can thus be offered to countries, cities and businesses that are interested in high-level innovation and preventative, cost-effective solutions to problems.

This ultimate coherence—life in Unity Consciousness—is something to be experienced, not just intellectually grasped.

Please join us in developing this precious experience in your own life and sharing it with your world.

Do you have a simple recipe for how I can gain more coherence in my daily and professional life?



Download the free Ebook: 5 Coherence-Creating Tips for a Superfluid Day


Implement the tips and see what results you get in terms of your effectiveness


 Contact Eco Nico for a Personal Coherence Design or Project Coherence consultation


Add personalized coherence in step-by-step daily ways and watch your effectiveness soar


Share this knowledge with your family and friends to create a bright new world!

You’ll hear and read a lot about coherence here at Eco Nico, because we are coherence-creating professionals with direct experience of the power of coherence to transform life.

Eco Nico’s expertise is in integrating many areas, catalyzing transformation, and bringing together varied parties to create an integrated whole which is more than each individual part. In other words, CREATING COHERENCE!

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